

Consumer safety summary profile of expert
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Clive Shelton has over 20 years experience as a public analyst and has built an enviable reputation for being a compliance expert on a wide range of products in the UK and the rest of the European Union. Having worked closely with enforcement authorities, government, trade associations and other experts throughout his career, he is more than qualified to advise on how best to ensure compliance and to protect businesses from the risks associated with quality and safety issues.

Links with other professionals ensure that clients can rely on the support we give. We keep up to date with all the current legislation relating to consumer products and give authoritative advice to our clients on new developments and interpretation. We liaise with others on behalf of our clients and, if all else fails, we can be called upon to give expert witness during court proceedings.

Clive Shelton Associates also provides assistance to testing laboratories in the setting up and maintenance of ISO17025 quality systems. Clive Shelton founded and managed one of the largest UK Public Analyst's laboratories for nearly 15 years

Our consultancy services cover a wide range of product types and problems. Compliance issues dealing with the following product types are catered for;

General Consumer Products
Childcare articles
Graphic Instruments
Bottled water
Household cleaners and chemicals

Mr Clive Shelton

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