Search for Electromagnetic interference. Wireless frequency health effects

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Electromagnetic Surveys Limited provides electric, magnetic and electromagnetic (radio frequency) field strength and power measurement for ICNIRP Guideline based Compliance Assessments as required by new Health & Safety legislation.  Similar assessments are also carried out to ensure working environments are safe for those with cardiac implants.

These fields are also known as EMFs or non-ionising radiation.  They are created by 'natural' and 'man-made' sources.  From lightning storms to mobile phones, overhead lines, substations, electrical machinery and appliances.

Mr Garry Homer

Electromagnetic Surveys Ltd

Consultant electrical engineers and expert witnesses on compliance with EMC requirements, and functional safety of products controlled by electronic systems. Design,training and inspection services.

Mr Keith Armstrong

Cherry Clough Consultants

Consulting Engineer and expert witness on use of wireless connectivity in products. All RF and microwave frequencies. Phone mast, aerials,antennas and shielding. Electromagentic compatabilty (EMC) and radio interference. Modelling, design and surveys. Radar, laser and thermal imaging.

Mr julian Worskett