Consultant and expert witness on food safety • TV & radio • Public relations spokesperson • Prosecution & defence • Due diligence defence • HACCP • Investigation of food poisoning • Travel-associated illness • Liaison with enforcement officers • Food allergy • Training • Development of training materials • E-learning • Web audits • Food supply chain management • Food safety management systems
Textile quality and flammability test technologist, with experience as expert witness in safety of candles and oil/candle burners, and indoor fireworks. Also in-situ testing and type approval of goal posts
Compliance consultant and expert witness on chemical and other hazards in toys and range of household products including food, jewellery, cosmetics, stationery, gifts, decorations, table- and cook-ware
Extensive experience of working within the international tour operating industry. Carried out numerous inspections and audits of hotels and excursions worldwide and dealt with major incidents such as the Indian Ocean tsunami, Caribbean hurricanes, food poisoning outbreaks, cryptosporidium in swimming pools, drownings, coach crashes, hotel fires, outbreaks of legionella and balcony falls. Retail operations, camping and caravan parks, children's clubs. Safety training for staff and managment
Advisor and lecturer on toxicological hazards and compliance issues for cosmetics and household chemical substances. Quality auditor for retail supply chain. Chartered Biologist and Chemist. Registered Toxicologist.
Consultant, trainer and expert witness on safety complaince and standards applying to children's clothing. Quality of supply lines, risk assessment, promotional claims, recall procedures, issues with dyes, flamability,mechanical hazards.
Consultant electrical engineers and expert witnesses on compliance with EMC requirements, and functional safety of products controlled by electronic systems. Design,training and inspection services.
Furnituture technology and testing centre for supply trade, retailers, domestic and commercial purchasers of furniture. Testing faciltes and involvement in standards development in UK and Europe. Expert inspections of furniture, fixtures and fittings. Dispute resolution and litigation work.