Terms of business

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Initial business enquiries are not generally charged for, even though this often results in referring the client to other services (eg test laboratories or standards publishers).

Ad-hoc consultancy is charged at £130 per hour (to the nearest 0.1 hour) or £800 per day plus any travel or incidental expenses and VAT, unless otherwise agreed in advance. Rates are negotiable for longer involvement, short reports, etc.

For discrete projects, we can give written proposals, estimates or competitive quotations.

Initial enquiries 

We do not charge for experts' time invovled in handling  initial business enquiries,whether telephone discussions of problems or written requests for quotations, even though this often results in referring the client to other services (eg test laboratories or standards publishers) or to other safety consultants with experitise on a particular aspect of consumer products. We reserve the right to charge for telephone enquires that exceed 15 minutes, for providing advice in writing or for reading lengthy documents unless there is a genuine prospect of a commercial engagement. However, we will warn clients before we need to move onto a charging regime.

Ordinarily, we do not take enquiries directly from consumers or members of the public as there are publicly-funded consumer help services.  

Ad-hoc consultancy and advice: 

Unless otherwise agreed in advance, fees will be calculated on the basis of the time actually involved (to the nearest hour) in responding to requests for advice (including telephone consultations), providing written comments (including e-mail) or attending meetings, charged at

  £130 per hour (to the nearest 0.1 hour) for less than 6 hours,  OR 

  £800 per day (to the nearest half day) for more than 6 hours

  plus any travel or incidental expenses and VAT.  

Cancellation fees maybe charged for appointments cancelled at short notice (50% fee for less than 48 hours notice, 100% for less than 24 hours notice, plus any non-refundable expenses already incurred)

 Invoices will normally be submitted monthly for services provided and expenses incurred up to that date. Payment will be due within 30 days of the date of the invoice. 

These terms will apply to any of the above services provided during the period up until 3 months from the date of initial enquiry, unless varied by mutual agreement. Charges for subsequent consultancy would be re-negotiable.

 Project/job based charges 

Individual projects can usually be charged on an all-in fixed fee basis, agreed in advance and invoiced on delivery (or at agreed stages for longer projects).

 Written proposals, estimates or competitive quotations can be given for discrete tasks (eg to produce a specific report or draft, give a seminar or conduct a research study). Discounted charging rates will apply to larger projects or longer commitments. To request an estimate, please send details of your business requirement. 

Where it is proposed to employ sub-contractors or colleagues who are experts in associated fields, their involvement and experience will be set out in advance.

  Expert Witness services 

The above terms relate only to proactive advice on safety diligence and exclude expert witness reports or opinions relating to specific court proceedings (whether in progress or in prospect).



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